
Sunday 5 July 2009

Dusty roads...

Looking out from the terrace last week through the binoculars, as I often do, I could see that a road leading out of the village, which previously was deeply rutted and in poor condition, was being relaid with new gravel.
So today, I drove down to Calle Vieja, across Calle Hondon and over the bridge that crosses the main A-384 onto the newly laid Vereda de la Pileta to explore what was beyond.

The road was dusty but in very good condition and looking back offered some stunning views of Olvera, scenes I never get tired of.

Winding it's way across the dry, arid countryside for about 10 kms, it eventually joined up with the main N-342 Olvera-El Gastor road near to a recreation area sheltered by eucalyptus tree's. Pictured above in the distance is the village of El Gastor.

The flowers of the Agave plant, a native of southern and central America and tropical South America, imported into Europe in the 16th century.

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