
Friday 24 July 2009

Feria de Santiago y Santa Ana

Last night, we drove the short distance to the village of Algodonales to have a look at the first night of the Feria de Santiago y Santa Ana.
We arrived way too early as usual, at just after ten, so we sat down at one of the many busy bars and restaurants lining the main plaza, me with my alcohol free beer and Anne on coke.
A large caseta had been set up in the plaza and a band was warming up on stage.

We were quite happy to sit down for an hour, watching everybody walk by, before getting up ourselves to have a wander around.
Although it was pleasantly warm, by midnight we were beginning to wonder whether we had seen everything and were considering heading back to Olvera.

However, we've been here long enough to know by now to expect the unexpected.
At just after midnight, to the delight of the many people gathered, a procession of pre-historic animals and cavemen appeared.

The procession passed through the plaza, followed by a band and large crowd. We joined in, heading back to the area where the majority of stalls were set up.

We walked up to the fairground area, just above the sports centre, and joined in the fun of watching the thrill seekers on the various rides.

No doubt the feria went on until the wee small hours but by 1.45 am, we left the festivities to the youngsters and headed home after a very enjoyable evening.

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