
Monday 29 June 2009

Arco de Peñón del Cerretillo ?

Is this the newest arch to be built in Olvera ?.
We were walking down to the bank this morning, passing by the new steps being built from Calle Victoria to link up with the Peñón del Cerretillo, a new park area being created by the Ayuntamiento, and noticed this impressive entrance that has been created virtually overnight. We're sure it wasn't there a few days ago !.
Linked post:
El Peñón del Cerretillo

We sat for a while in the Plaza de la Concordia just enjoying the warm sunshine. The temperature indicator on the way down Calle Llana at 10.30 said 22.5°C but it certainly felt a lot warmer.

We headed back home, Anne nipping off to do some shopping, so I walked up to the Plaza de la Iglesia to look at the restoration work being done on the Church. A lot of the exterior has now been replastered and partly repainted but judging from the sound of men and machinery coming from the open side door, work now appears to have moved indoors.

I carried on walking down through the Barrio. As usual when we pass this way, hung outside and around this house are six or seven bird cages containing several varieties of canaries.

The views to the south and west of Olvera.

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