
Saturday 2 May 2009


With thanks to our friends Celia and Colin for telling us about this event, yesterday we drove the short distance out of Olvera to the Convento de Caños Santos to celebrate the Alcalá de Valle annual Romeria.
We arrived at a little past four in the afternoon and were directed to the parking area amongst the olive groves.

The Convent is situated in a stunning location, set high on a hillside with spectacular views to the rocks and crags in the distance.

Not that the views were much on the minds of the partygoers. Having walked the short distance from the car park, through the array of stalls, we arrived in the grounds of the Convent where the party was in full swing.

As always, a lot of men, women and children were dressed in their traditional costume, the ladies in particular in some beautiful dresses.

A singing group making their way to the music area.

The area outside the Convent was alive with music and dancing.

This couple were happy to pose together.....after a little cajoling by their friends.

There were two separate dancing area's. One appeared to be for traditional Flamenco/Sevilliana, with a bit of spanish pop thrown in and another for the youngsters. Guess which area we mostly stayed in ??.

The hip-hop/garage/rap, thump, thump area.

Everyone was having a great time and enjoying themselves and at the first sign of a camera, were happy to pose for a pic.

Another group of friends having fun.

A brilliant afternoon/evening and no doubt it went on well into the night. Wish we could have stayed but hunger and the pooch were calling us back so we left the party at about 8.30. Fantastic fun.

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