
Tuesday 19 May 2009

Olvera today

For a variety of reasons, this week is quite busy so trips out and about are on hold at the moment. Also, this weekend we really must start the dreaded internal painting so no doubt that will put a further temporary stop on our enjoyment of life for a short while.

The weather at nine this morning was overcast and quite cool. However, about an hour after taking these pics the sun came out and temperatures started to pick up.

We had to walk down to our second home, the bank, and passed by this member of the "Policia Local" doing his duty in Calle Llana.

One of the best trades to have here in Olvera is that of a painter. They never seem to be out of work.

The Plaza de la Concordia and below a familiar site in every town and village around..........just chewing the fat and watching the world go by.

Looking up Calle Victoria.

By the time we got home, after stopping off for a pleasant hour or so at our friends Chris and Stan's house, the sun was high in the sky and wispy clouds were drifting by.
Another lovely Andalucian day.

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