
Friday 29 May 2009

Nearly last

Our apologies for not posting more about our trips out and about but enjoyment of life is on temporary hold at the moment due to the painting of the inside of the house.
We started at the top last Monday with the bathroom and have slowly been going downhill since, arriving in the living room today with just the kitchen to go tomorrow.

If I was getting paid for it, I'm sure I would be able to whip up a little more enthusiasm but I suppose life can't be all fun, frolics and I keep being reminded by Anne.
Anyway, just a few pics of what's been happening this week.
Our supervisor Peppie was determined not to move and as a consequence is now covered in white paint and been re-named Spot.

A welcome break from the toil. I wouldn't mind but after re-painting the house white, it looks no different from when we started but if it keeps Anne happy then it's got to be worth it.
Normal service will hopefully be resumed on Sunday with a well earned trip out somewhere for lunch.

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