
Friday 15 May 2009

Gestoria por las Impuesto

Today, we had the daunting and dreaded task of going to the Gestor to ensure that as permanent residents of Spain we were registered here for taxation purposes and not unnecessarily paying taxes in the UK.
The temperature outside was showing 19.3°C but it felt a lot warmer as we entered the Gestor's office, accompanied by our good friend Elma, to assist with the translation.

Pedro, the tax consultant was very helpful with advice, confirming online that we were indeed registered with the Hacienda (Tax Office)....but only as non-residents, which we were at the time of purchasing our house back in 2006.
It was therefore important that our tax status was changed to "resident" as it does have implications regarding Capital Gains Tax should we decide in the future to sell our property.

Elma, as always, was very patient and thorough in helping to explain our position and after an hour we left the office relieved that, apart from a visit to the Hacienda in Ubrique next week, we are registered properly here in Spain.

So just a few pics today of Olvera in the sunshine and me replenishing lost fluids and relieving a very dry throat.

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