
Sunday 5 April 2009

Semana Santa preview

Today see's the start of Semana Santa (Holy Week), probably the most important event in the Andalucian calendar, during which there will be a series of processions through the town.

Most of the processions have a religious icon, carried on a paso (platform) by upwards of twenty four mostly young people on a circular route around Olvera, a journey that can take seven or eight hours.

We arrived at the Plaza de la Iglesia at 4.30 pm for the start of the first procession and were lucky enough to get into the usually locked Church. The mostly undecorated paso's were on display with the exception of the donkey pictured above, who was to be carried in today's event.

So just a few pics of the paso's that will be carried this week.

In addition to the paso's, it was also nice to see that restoration work was ongoing inside the Church, after a fire that took place in September 2004.

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