
Friday 10 April 2009

Procesión de la Vera Cruz (The Cross)

We walked up to the Plaza de la Iglesia at 8 pm last night and joined the growing crowd to watch the penultimate procession of this Semana Santa.
At about 8.30, the first paso appeared, carried by twenty four young women of Olvera, to start their journey of devotion and dedication around town that will see them return to the Church in about seven or eight hours.

The Nazareno's (Candle bearers) walked on each side of the procession together with many of Olvera's young boys and girls.

Following on came another paso, this time supported by fifty men of the village.

As always, there was a band playing and this year, in my humble opinion, I think the standard of playing and musicianship has been superb throughout.

We think this young Nazareno was Laura, the daughter of our friends Léo and Mari. Difficult to tell but the wink gave it away when we called her name.

By the time the third paso appeared it was starting to get a little dark, not too say chilly.

This one was carried by sixty men of Olvera.

The second band bringing up the rear of the procession.
Once again, a very moving event and you cannot but admire all who take part.

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