
Saturday 25 April 2009

Pottering about

Another lovely morning with temperatures at about 22°C and clear blue skies. We wandered down to the market to our favourite stall, the one that sells liquorice in many shapes and colours. Also dates, spices, figs and olives with whole crunchy garlic cloves....yummy.

Lots of shoppers this morning, out for a bargain.

The view looking up Calle de Bellavista towards where the market is held.

The lemon and orange tree's lining the street.

Plaza de la Concordia and below Avenida de Julián Besteiro.

The start of the trek home up Calle del Calvario.
It's nice to see quite a few houses decorating their windows and balconies with pot plants, a few more than last year we think.

Halfway home, looking up Calle de la Victoria. Unfortunately, due to vandalism, the statue of the two boys playing leapfrog outside the photographer's shop (at the top of the street here) has now been completely removed. So now, rather than leaning on the statue, we pretend to look in the shop window while desperately trying to recover our breath.

The Iglesia Santa Maria de la Victoria.

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