
Tuesday 28 April 2009

Misty day

After a lovely, warm, sunny day yesterday when we sat and had a really enjoyable lunch with our friends Dan and Alison at Bar Mi Pueblo, the weather today has taken a turn for the worse. Temperatures are down to about 14°C.
It's so inconsistent at the day warm and sunny, the next grey and cloudy.
So just a few pictures, taken at about 11'ish this morning from the farm just outside of Olvera whilst on an "agua" run.

Hopefully the weather will get better tomorrow and for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow is "paint the terrace red day" and Friday is the Alcala de Valle Romeria, a day of fiesta, dancing and events, that takes place at the Convento de Caños Santos, a lovely location not too far from Olvera.
So fingers crossed for sunny days seems ages since the last party!!.

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