
Friday, 17 April 2009

Flora and fauna

After a few days of grey, overcast weather, it was good to get out for a drive around, hoping to capture some images of sunflowers and wild flowers that are starting to appear now.
I had noticed on many occasions, an unmarked road about 6kms past Algodonales so today we decided that we would investigate a little further.
Turning left off the main A-384, the road was initially in good condition but after a few kilometres started to deteriorate into gravel and rutted tarmac.

Intrepid explorers that we are, we carried on, avoiding the pot holes where we could, eventually getting right out into the campo where it was quiet, peaceful and really nice just to listen to the birdsong all around us.

So just a few pictures of the wildflowers and animals around.

A shepherd with his flock.

Safety in numbers. These four little guys were protecting the entrance to a property.......and don't come back !!!

Looking towards Zahara de la Sierra.

My favourite flower...poppies. There were quite a few around but unfortunately no sunflowers to be seen. We'll save that as a reason for another trip, another day.
After driving for an hour or so, the road eventually returned us the the outskirts of Algodonales and then home to Olvera.

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