
Sunday, 8 March 2009

A short drive out

Anne had been saying for several days now that Sunday was going to be a "top to bottom" cleaning day in the house.
From experience, I know it's best to get out of the way on these occasions so I took the opportunity to drive out of Olvera to the farm on the outskirts and fill up our water containers.
It was a lovely morning with temperatures I would estimate at about 20°C and clear blue skies.

The pictures above, right and below show the fantastic view's from the mirador (viewpoint) near where we usually park "Nellie", our trusty steed.

After a short drive, I arrived at the farm and filled the water bottles.
This is the old ruined fort above the farm.

Pictured right and below is the view of Olvera from the farm entrance, about 6kms away.

Realising it was far to early to return to the "casa" and not wanting to get in Anne's way, I turned left out of the farm onto the main A-384 heading towards Campillos but intending to turn off towards the village of Algamitas which would enable me to take a circular route through Pruna and back to Olvera, a leisurely journey of about an hour.

Algamitas is a small village with approximately 1300 inhabitants, nestled in a valley surrounded by olive groves.
The village pictured from the Algamitas - Pruna road.

At a mirador above the village is this static monument of an old steam roller. Unfortunately, there is no plaque giving any information or indicating it's significance.

Onwards to Pruna, pictured right and getting nearer to home. Is it safe to return yet I wonder ??.

Pruna in the foreground with its castle high up on the hill dominating the town and beyond it and in the background is Olvera.
A pleasant drive out in lovely weather, considering it safe to return home after a couple of hours.

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