
Saturday 14 February 2009

Sabado mercado

Another beautiful day with temperatures at a warm 12°C.
In several places throughout Olvera, there are small bronze or metallic statues, street art, which in my opinion add to the beauty of the town.
However, on passing one of my favourite images this morning, there was something obviously missing. See if you can spot the difference.
Pictured above is the statue before..............

..........and after.

He was not only a lovely piece of art but a convenient stopping point to regain your breath on the way home from down town, often also superstitiously rubbing his cap for luck.
I don't know what's happened to him but hopefully he'll return soon.

Saturday is market day here in Olvera and in the sunshine today it was packed with stalls and people.

Amongst several friends I saw was Russ, browsing the stalls for a bargain.

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