
Thursday, 26 February 2009

The Pavilion

We haven't really got a clue as to what is happening this week, despite having a copy of the official programme, which is rather vague regarding the actual location of some events. Timings also, as we know, are purely indicative so we thought the best course of action would be to head for the Pavilion (marquee) situated beside the indoor sports centre.
We knew we were on to a good thing as on the way we were passed by several groups in fancy dress and sure enough when we arrived the party was in full swing.

We soon met up with several friends, the first of whom was Carmen, one of our lovely neighbours..........

.......and with her lovely grand-daughter Lara.

Anne getting into the party spirit. We really must get costumes next year...many of our spanish friends asked why weren't dressed up !!.

The Pavilion was buzzing and everyone was having a good time, encouraged by music and commentary from the stage.

Mari our friend on the left, Maricarmen our neighbour on the right with hijos (children) Nuria, friend unknown and Paco in front.

Mari's daughter Laura, dressed as the Statue of Liberty.

At some point during the party, a suspended box overhead burst open, dropping confetti, glitter and balloons....much to the delight of everyone underneath.

Not a very good picture but one of the party games involved these large plastic balls that were bounced around over the heads of the crowd and when the music stopped there was a mad scramble to grab the ball, whereupon you would be pronounced the winner and gain a least I think that was what was happening!!.

Alejandro, the son of our neighbour's Rosalia and Eduardo.

Paco, the son of our lovely friend Maricarmen.
I know we have said this before in previous posts on different occasions but we feel so privileged to have so many lovely friends here who have welcomed us into their community. We hope in some way, sometime, we can return their generosity.

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