
Wednesday 25 February 2009

El Carnaval de baile (The Carnival dance)

It doesn't seem a year ago since we attended the 2008 Carnaval dance at the "Centro de Dia para Personas Mayores". We have been up many times since then of course, for breakfasts, coffee's and dances but this particular dance is a bit special.

Many of the dancers came dressed in costume, ready for an evening of fun. We met up with many friends and as always we were made to feel really welcome and encouraged to join in the fun. So, just a few pictures of the party.

José and his lovely wife Carmen who take care of refreshments at the centre and, as we have said before, are so patient with us when we attempt our spanish.

Anne with our friend Maria who has more energy than anyone we know. She dances non stop from the time she arrives.
In fact, I think I will refer to the centre as the "fun factory" in future as everyone enjoys themselves so much.

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