
Friday 16 January 2009

Peppie's walk

Our lovely old girl Peppie is definately showing signs of her age; she'll be fourteen next month. She spends most of her days sleeping and our walks with her are now a slow stroll.....not that they've been a fast trot for a quite a few years anyway.
So just a few images, taken at four this afternoon, on our walk starting up in the old town.

The views looking west towards Cadiz.

Looking up Calle Garcia Lorca.

Me and my lovely old girl in Calle Maestro Amado.

Calle Pozo.

Lara, the lovely grandaughter of our near neighbour Carmen came running up as soon as she saw Peppie. She adores all animals.

The start of Calle Moron on the left with Calle San Ildefonso on the right.

The view down Calle Salada towards the distant mountains of the Sierra de Grazalema.

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