
Wednesday 28 January 2009

Lets go walkabout

A pleasant 10 or 11° C today so after breakfast at the Pensioner's Centre we strolled down town and sat for a while in the Plaza de la Concordia.

So just a few pics of the Plaza. Pictured right is the new library and culture building being built as an attachment to the Centro de Adultos, where we have our spanish language lessons.

Looking up Calle Calvario from the Plaza.

Avenida Julián Besteiro, which leads off the Plaza.........

........and further up the same street, looking back towards the castle from outside the medical centre.

The view down Calle Azorin in the direction of Pruna, a village north of Olvera.

An interested onlooker.

Calle Algodonales leading down to the Avenida Manuel de Falla, pictured below.

Avenida Manuel de Falla, where the town's outdoor football pitch and swimming pool are located. Must get to a match one day!.

Calle Calvario, looking towards the castle.

Calle Llana.

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