Just in case anyone is not aware,

I thought the following activities organised by the Ayuntamiento and others to celebrate the Christmas period in Olvera might be of interest, particularly to all here with little ones...and perhaps also to some of us not so little ones !.
Apologies if a little has been lost in translation, using Google Translator is not always word perfect, but essentially it is correct. Certainly the dates, times and locations are.
However, the original text can be found on the excellent Olvera Town website
here if anything is unclear. Merry Christmas.
"The Festivals Commission of Olvera City Council has arranged for the citizens of Olvera and visitors to enjoy Christmas in the town through a wide range of activities for young and old."
Thursday, December 17th. "Decorate your town". A day of co-operation between various organisations (AFA United, Taomi, Centres of Education, schools and others) to decorate different places in Olvera with Christmas themes.
Friday, December 18th. Judges decision on the competition of Nativity Cribs at the Casa de la Cultura. 17:30.
"Zambomba", singing and music by the choir of the day center "La Caleta". Casa de la Cultura. 18:00 hours. Organizers: AFA United.
Saturday, December 19th. Flamenqueando. A singing and flamenco workshop for children in the Casa de la Cultura starting with storytelling at 11:00am. The afternoon session (beginning at 16:00 hours) will be enlivened by the following performers:
La Sonanta (guitar, vocals and percussion).
The guitar playing grandchildren of the guitarist Paco del Gastor.
Dan Ben Deilor New Flamenco Band with jazz flamenco guitarist and singer Juani of Córdoba.
The Flamenco of the "Niño de la Ratera" with Tania del Saucejo.
A Flamenco Jam session concludes the event.
Monday, December 21st. Adjudication and award of the Second Contest "The Firefly". Casa de la Cultura. 19:00 hours.
Wednesday, December 23rd. Storytelling: Kiko Butrón. "Stories to laugh at and to scare". Municipal Public Library. 12:00 hours.
Monday, December 28th. Storytelling: "Cooking and singing". Municipal Public Library. 12:00 hours.
Wednesday, December 30th. Storytelling: Triglú Theatre. Municipal Public Library. 11:00 hours.
Workshop of Christmas Candles. Municipal Public Library. 12:00 hours.
From 23 December to January 5th. Christmas at the Library. Development of bookmarks and Christmas cards. Municipal Public Library. From 11:00 to 13:00 hours.
Sunday January 3rd. Visit of the Royal Postman. Plaza del Ayuntamiento. 16:00 hours.
Snowfall Christmas. Plaza del Ayuntamiento. From 17:00 to 20:00 hours (not continuous).
Tuesday January 5th. The Three Kings cavalcade departs from the Industrial Park on the usual route at 18:00 hours The procession will conclude with fireworks.