Olvera is starting to decorate itself for the coming festivities, so just a few pics of perhaps the most popular type of decoration - climbing Santa's.
A couple of Santa's hanging precariously by their fingertips.

The Three Kings, deliverer's of the gifts to the baby Jesus, are also a popular decoration.
Three Kings Night, on the 5th January, is the traditional time in Spain for the giving of gifts.

No doubt, more pics will follow over the festive period but we would like to take this opportunity to wish "
Feliz Navidad y prospero Año Nuevo" to all who have been kind enough to write to us and everyone who has taken the time to look at the blog. Seasons greetings to you all.
Hi Anne and Alan, so pleased you have explained the process of leaving comments! love looking in on the blog, it helps to keep in touch with our 'other life' there in Olvera, wish we could be there again for the reyes magos but we have to work, so will be keeping watch for all the news!
Feliz Navidad,
Celia and Colin ( calle vieja)
We will be back in Olvera in time for the Reyes on the 5th of Jan - last year I was only able to catch a few sweets,most of the time I was knocked to the ground by a granny on a mission.. !!
Hopefully the Xmas tree will be back in the plaza Andalucia this year as we can look at it from over our garden wall.
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