
Wednesday 12 November 2008

Alcalá del Valle re-visited

On a warm, sunny morning we drove the short distance to the village of Alcalá del Valle, about 14kms from Olvera, to drop a friend to an appointment there. So for an hour or so, we wandered around the village.
We came across this monument dedicated to the victims of the spanish civil war.

The plaque is for peace and remembers those who disappeared during the civil war with the dictator Franco between 1936 and 1939.
Quite thought provoking at this particular time of year.

Sitting in the small square were these five chaps who, typically of the spanish that we meet on our travels, were happy to pose for a picture.

A church just off the square.
After a short stroll we came to a park and children's play area.

The Bar El Gordi, a very pleasant, friendly bar on the street by the park, where we stopped for breakfast and coffee.
A sign of the time of year, otoño (autumn). The leaves are turning to a golden yellow.
Winter's a comin'.........!

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