
Sunday 19 October 2008

Sunday stroll....

Not a lot happening at the moment; the weather is warm but overcast. So this morning I just took a stroll around Olvera while Anne cleaned the house....always best to get out of the way!!.

Pictured above is Calle Salada, a very steep street off Calle Cruz.

Looking up Calle Salada to Calle Cruz at the top.

At the bottom of Calle Salada is the Plaza de Socorro, a pretty and pleasant square.

The Iglesia del Socorro in the corner of the square.

Walking along Calle Ronda.

Looking up to Calle Gastor from Calle de la Vereda Ancha.

Calle del Calvario, looking up to the castle.

One of several statues dotted around town of children playing.

The Plaza de Andalucia, a perfect stopping place to sit and regain your breath on the uphill stretch home.

Looking down Calle Alfonso XI, named after Alfonso who regained Olvera from the Muslims in 1327.

Calle Mercado.

The view over Calle Pico.

So, as I said at the start of this post, a quiet day as Sunday's should be but always pleasant just to wander around, sit and watch the world go by and most of all avoid cleaning duties......only joking, my lovely!!.

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