
Wednesday 29 October 2008

A new day...

What a difference a day makes. After yesterday's gloom, today was lovely and sunny with temperatures at around the forecast 15°...still chilly in the shade though. Apparently, Spain is having a spell of early wintery weather in some area's, particularly in the northern area's of Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque country with rain, snow and high winds expected to last until the weekend.

So perhaps we shouldn't complain.

We walked up old Moorish streets near our house to the oldest part of town, known as the "Casco Antiguo", from where you get some of the best views of Olvera.

The Calle Barriete.

Walking along Calle Manco (I think), towards the Church at the top of town.

The Plaza de la Iglesia.

Looking west towards the Peñon de Zaframagon and Cadiz beyond.

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