
Wednesday 1 October 2008

More wanderings.....

Another lovely day in Olvera, with temperatures up to about 22°. Very pleasant after the last couple of weeks of grey overcast weather that we have had.
Anne was busy cleaning the house so I thought I would take a stroll down to the newer part of town, an area not often visited in previous posts.
The picture above shows an area of new houses under construction.

The view from Avenida de Manuel De Falla of a building plot prepared for new houses. It appears though that construction here has stopped or slowed down............perhaps a consequence of the current economic climate.

A view of the same area looking from the top of the site with the hills of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park in the far distance.

El Instituto de Educación Secundaria Zaframagon (The Secondary School) of Olvera.

The view from opposite the school towards the church and castle.

Calle Alcantara.

The Barriada Coronación.

After an hour or so and after checking with Anne on the mobile that it was safe to return home, I wandered back up to the older part of town.
Looking up to the castle from Calle de Bellavista. Throughout the year this rock is a nesting site for many varieties of birds including kestrels and owls.
I came across these well protected council employee's spraying the lemon tree's............presumably with some sort of pesticide.

The view looking down Calle Pico. On Saturday's this is the site of the outdoor market.

The view west towards the Peñón de Zaframagón and beyond from Calle Las Pañolillas. Nearly home now.

Looking up to the castle and the old walled part of town.

The town cemetery, beautifully kept and maintained by the local council and the relatives of the deceased.

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