
Monday 6 October 2008

Brilliant, amazing - thank you

Who would have thought that since August 2007, when we wrote the first post of this blog, that today the 10,000th viewing would be made. We are stunned, a little pleased and very flattered that so many people have taken the time to read of our lives here in Olvera, many of whom have left kind comments on the blog and sent personal e-mails to us. In addition, many thanks to everyone who have introduced themselves to us while we have been wandering around various places.
(Picture of Feria firework)

We originally set this up as an interest for ourselves and also to let our family and friends back in the UK see how we were getting on with our lives here. Also to show what a lovely place Olvera was and the beautiful area that surrounds it. However, we have also found out over time that many of our friends of all nationalities here in Olvera have passed the site onto their family and friends and the viewings have increased substantially.

We hope we can continue to show items of interest, perhaps some familiar faces and places but above all we thank you all for looking in. It is really appreciated.

As a footnote and out of interest, it would be really nice to here from the person who looked in when the counter was at 10,000....we would love to hear from you.

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