Alcalá del Valle, a town of approximately 5,500 inhabitants, about 14kms southeast of Olvera.We had passed through Alcala on a previous occasion on the way to somewhere else, so it was due a return visit.
This is the view of Alcalá from the main road.
The welcome sign on the outskirts of town.

I drove into town and parked up not too far away from the sign pointing to the Ayuntamiento.After a short walk, I came to the square.
On one side was the impressive Iglesia de Santa Maria del Valle (the Church of Santa Maria), the patron saint of the town.

This ceramic plaque was on a wall at the rear of the Church.

Opposite the Church was the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall).

This plaque and tiled image was on the wall of a house just down the street from the Church.

This river culvert ran through the length of the town.

The Plaza del Emigrante and a statue dedicated to those who had left Alcalá in search of a better life.

Overall, not the prettiest town that we have visited but in parts quite attractive.

On leaving town, I came across this crop spraying plane that had landed on a makeshift runway in a field and had just re-fueled with insecticide to spray the local olive groves.
Linked posts:
Alcala del Valle re-visited