
Thursday 28 August 2008

Festival Flamenco

Last night, with complimentary invitations kindly provided by our friend Loli, we attended the opening concert of the 2008 Feria in the Caseta Municipal.
The evening was organised by the Peña Flamenca Club of Olvera and to a lover of Flamenco and Sevilliana the dancers and music were absolutely superb.

On the way home we stopped off at the Bar Mas Madera for a nightcap, refuelling for the uphill trek home, where we were shortly joined by Shayne and Austen, residents here for a couple of years.

We left about one, after a very pleasant evening...this will probably be the earliest we get in for the next couple of nights as the Feria proper really starts today (the 28th).
I feel a few siesta's coming on.............!!

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