
Wednesday, 9 July 2008

La Fruteria

Today is what's usually called a "slow news day", not a lot going on but as I've said on other posts, this blog is about our life in Olvera and what we do here.
So this morning we strolled down to the fruit shop at the bottom of town.

The selection of fruit and veg is fantastic......reminds you of how they used to be in the UK years ago and perhaps the most pleasing thing is that none of it appears to conform to EU standards. You know what I mean - banana's and cucumbers must be a certain shape, apples and oranges of a uniform circumference, peppers must be the right colour, etc,etc.
It's just displayed as it is, fresh and in all it's natural colours, shapes and sizes. And delicious too of course.

Queueing at the checkout in any shop is very much a social event here and this morning was no exception. It's an opportunity to catch up on gossip, ask about family and talk about the weather. So expect to spend ten or fifteen minutes in line just listening and smiling occasionally. A great opportunity of course to hone your language skills.
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