
Sunday 15 June 2008

Peñón de Zaframagón

The Peñón de Zaframagón is an impressive 600 metre limestone outcrop or crag (peñón) about thirteen kms along the Via Verde from Olvera and an important reserve to one of the most significant colonies of Griffon Vultures in Andalucia.
Fortunately, our friends Chris and Stan had told us about a route which would bring us within a half hour walk from the peñon so we set of about five in the afternoon for the drive towards the village of La Muela.
This is a picture of Zaframagón.

After a short drive we arrived at the Via Verde and parked the car.
Our first encounter was with a 685 metre long tunnel, refreshingly cool compared to the heat outside.

We emerged to bright sunlight and views of the peñón. The pictures are not good enough to show it but there must have been about fifty vultures soaring around and above us, really impressive.

On the way back we stopped off at the derelict and unfortunately vandalised Éstación (station) on the road between La Muela and Olvera before returning home for a few restorative beers at Paco's bar.

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