
Saturday 3 May 2008

1810 - Escaramuzas (The Skirmish)

Every year, the village of Algodonales commemorates the resistance of it's inhabitants in 1810 to the advance of Napoleon's troops during the Iberian Penisular War.
Over a period of four days from the 1st to 4th May there are many different dramatisations of the events. We chose to go and see this event on Friday 2nd May, the skirmish, and also the final battle which is shown in the following post.

Reloading for the kill.

These pictures obviously do not convey the sounds of the cannon and musket shot. Suffice to say that they were ear shattering, particularly as the spectators are so close to the action.

One of the many stalls that surrounded the Plaza de la Constitución, where the main action took place.

One of the smallest defenders that we saw.

Napoleon's troops battle with the villagers.

These soldiers kindly took a break from battle to pose for a picture.

The inevitable end for the one of the last of the valiant defenders.

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