
Thursday 21 February 2008

Moonlight madness

Was anybody else mad enough to stay up last night to view the lunar eclipse?. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea and in the absence of any major objection from the lovely Anne...she who control's the alarm clock......I got out of bed at 1.30am and went up to the terrace.
It was a lovely clear night, just the dogs barking out in the campo. The eclipse was meant to start at about 2am our time so I had time to make a coffee and settle down for the show.
The pics below, working from left to right, are taken at roughly twenty minute intervals to try and catch the different phases.

The eclipse ended at about 4am so I apologise if the last image is a little out of focus. Can't decide whether it was camera shake or shiver was starting to get a bit chilly. Anyway, the moon ended up with a lovely red glow and if you missed it, you won't get another chance until 2016. Sad or what!!!

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