
Sunday 3 February 2008

Battle of the bands (Carnaval)

Today we followed the Carnaval schedule and trooped off to the "Plaza de Andalucia" to see what was on. However, not before we spotted our neighbours children outside in a dress rehearsal for the "Espectáculo Disney", which takes place on Wednesday when all the children of the town dress up as Disney characters. This is Celia as Snow White.

This is Alehandro, Celia's brother in equally colourful costume.
The bands playing today are the same that appeared yesterday but today they each rotated around four of the main squares in town. We met these guys singing their way to their next venue.The "Vagabonds" arriving at the Plaza de Andalucia.
Don't know the name of this band but they were all dressed up in doctor's outfits.
No not a riot. Just two groups of people enjoying their music amid friendly rivalry.

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