Ubrique is about 70kms southwest of Olvera, about an hours drive over the mountains on the other side of the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park.
We had read about it in a local magazine so decided to take a drive and have a look.
As usual, on arrival we parked at the bottom of town and started to head upwards. As a rule, we always head for the "Ayuntamiento" or Town Hall as invariably it is situated in a Plaza in the old part of town.

Ubrique is a fairly big town and the pictures right were taken on the road leading into town.
The Plaza where the Ayuntamiento was located.
Walking beyond the square we wound our way upwards through pretty streets decorated with numerous flower pots and window boxes.
The following pics give just a flavour.

We eventually arrived at a viewpoint and took a few pictures looking over the town.
The article we had read mentioned a church at the top of town called the "Iglesia de San Antonio", which was normally locked but if you knocked on a door in the courtyard a very pleasant lady would appear and open up for you. We duly found the church, knocked on the door and the lady came out and opened up for us.
The plaque pictured above is on the outside wall of the courtyard entrance.

Looking towards the altar.

Looking from the altar towards the main entrance.
For her kindness, we put a few euro's in the collection box whereupon we were then ushered out past the altar to a room at the back of the church. Another small door was opened and we were invited out to a terrace with great views over the town. The lady kindly took this shot of us.

All in all, a very pleasant place to visit and while away a few hours.