
Sunday 27 January 2008

Convento de Caños Santos

This building is visible high up on a hill off the main Olvera - Campillos road and has always intrigued me as there was no obvious road to access it. From a distance it looked like a monastery but a quick look on Google Earth revealed the access road and identified it as a convent. So off we went on another trek of exploration.
We found the access road, which as usual was not signposted, parked the car and walked around.

Unfortunately, the convent was closed for restoration but still worth a look. The picture's above are of the view's from the convent.

In the grounds were two gates, one of which was open, so I poked my head inside and it was the entry to a cave. I ventured in about five metres before it got too dark to see but hopefully we will return again when the convent is open and with a torch to get a better look.

Linked posts:
Convent re-visited

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