
Saturday 3 November 2007


Our intention today was to take a trip to El Saucejo, a small village about 20kms north east of Olvera. However, upon viewing from a distance it looked fairly flat and without any obvious features that we decided to carry on to Osuna, a further 26 kms on. The town is set on a hill overlooking a large open plain.
We parked the car near to the town centre and started walking towards the church at the top of town. We stopped for a coffee in this amazing cafe pictured right which was set in a very ornate covered courtyard.

Leaving the cafe we continued onwards and upwards to what turned out to be the town hall square. The town hall is pictured right, through which the traffic entered and exited the square.

From the square we continued on to the church at the top of town which contained a fantastically ornate altar and many old pictures, as proclaimed on the plaque on the wall outside the church. Also shown are a couple of views from the church walls overlooking the plain. More information can be found in the following link.

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