
Sunday, 7 October 2007


Not too far to drive today as we decided to go to a town called Algodonales, about 20kms from Olvera.

We parked a little way from the centre of town and walked up and down a few side streets, making our way eventually to what appeared to be the main centre.

For a Sunday lunchtime it was a very busy place, full of family's out for a walk and all the elder statesmen of the town congregating for a chat and a gossip. One often wonders where all their wives are as this is a site common in most places we have visited.

So we joined them and sat down at a bar for a couple of cokes. On the next table was a group of three boys accompanied by a lady with one of the lads throwing us regular glances. At an opportune moment he moved his chair around and started chatting. He turned out to be a german lad who lived in a "Finca" or small farmhouse just outside town, whose name he said was "Filis". He had heard us talking in english and wanted to practice his english on us, which of course was very good. He was enthusiastic to know where we lived in the UK and why we were in Spain. It never ceases to amaze us how friendly people are here. Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of him but hopefully we may go back and meet up with him again.

While wandering around the back streets we came upon this flower, which I had never seen before. It felt like velvet when touched but no scent. Must find out it's name!

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