
Friday 30 November 2012

Snow on the Sierras

We awoke on a chilly 4.8°C morning to the first snow on the nearby Sierra de Grazalema, the highest peak of which at 1654 metres is just hidden by the clouds.
 The pueblo of El Gastor here and below.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Winter blues

Nearly 9°C and despite the sunshine, quite chilly. Lovely blue skies though as we walked this afternoon.  

The wild figs, gone now until the warm sun returns.

 The view to the west.
 Calle Socorro here and below.

 The Plaza Alfarería.

 Vereda Ancha.

 The Christmas lights are starting to appear although understandably due to "La Crisis" and no doubt necessary cost savings, the gaps between each display seem further apart this year than in years gone by.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Misty morn

The temperatures have certainly dropped to the 9 or 10°C forecast as I took a few pictures from our terrace this morning of the mists that surrounded us.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Return to Jerez

 It's been over three years since our last visit to Jerez de la Frontera so today we drove for just over an hour to the west of Olvera for another visit. Jerez is the largest city in the province of Cadiz with a population of over 200,000 inhabitants. 
 After finding an underground car park and with no particular plan we started our wanders. 

 The Town Hall.
 The Plaza Arenal.

 The rubbish collectors of Jerez have been in dispute with their employers for twenty days now resulting in mounds of rubbish accumulating on the streets. However, it appears that today an agreement has been reached and the dispute resolved. 
View to the Cathedral.
More by luck than judgement we came across the "Andalusian Flamenco Centre" and ventured inside for a look.
 The beautifully ornate central patio area.

Entrance was free and we wandered around the corridors admiring the drawings, paintings and other exhibits before sitting for a while watching a video in the cinema.

 A bonus was a stunning exhibition of paintings by Nigel Leach, British born but now living in Jerez. Pictured here "Fuego" - Fire.
 More information and pictures can be found on his Facebook page here.

 A sign of the times.

Not real...ornamental. I have to admit that Jerez is not my favourite place. Whether it's because of its size, its lack of small intimate plaza's that you find in other large towns such as Cadiz or Seville or even the time of year that we have visited (previously Feb 09), the atmosphere just feels busy and impersonal. Just a personal view and each to their own but it may be another three years before we return.