
Sunday, 27 March 2011

Off road again !!

A short trip this morning to the nearby pueblo of Torre Alháquime with the intention of exploring a track I'd previously seen, that rises out of the village and up into them, there hills. Here looking back at the pueblo.

The weather today is slightly cooler than of late with temperatures I would estimate at about 20 degrees C, a little cloud but still very nice for spring. Further up the road and looking over to Olvera here and below.

The campo is, as always, stunning.
The road kept climbing for a while, eventually turning from a reasonably flat surface into a dry, rutted dirt track so I thought it prudent not to proceed further. Anne keeps reminding me that we haven't got a 4x4!.
The colours of nature and spring just can't be beaten.
Returning to Olvera and the familiar view of the town on the main road near to the Hotel Fuente del Pino.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

A mix of pics

A beautiful day with the temperature at about 24 degrees C. A mix of pictures today, these taken this morning from the natural spring just below Pruna castle.

The view to Olvera today.

On this afternoon's walk, we came across one of the several stray dogs that regularly benefits from at least one meal a day from a bag usually carried by Anne, occasionally me. This particular dog is absolutely beautiful and so friendly so if anyone is looking for a loyal companion, let us know.

The pansies bringing spring colour to the Jardines de la Victoria.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Same spectacular view......different locations

I've always thought that perhaps one of the best and most stunning views of Olvera is just as you exit the tunnel on the main A-384 that links Olvera to Algodonales. It never fails to give me a buzz.

At this point, Olvera is about 16kms (10 miles) away and completely dominates the surrounding countryside.
Taken from about 3kms away.

The view from the Recinto Ferial (Fairground) in Olvera.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Thirty three degrees....honest

A beautiful day, warm sunshine and blue skies. So just a few pics taken over the rooftops from the terrace while waiting for the sun to take the chill out of my vino tinto.

Here looking east towards the Penón de la Tahona.

Friday, 18 March 2011

As I walked out one midsummer morning.... the title of a book by Laurie Lee, describing his epic journey in 1934, walking through Spain from Vigo in the north to the southern coast of Spain.

Now another englishman, "mad" Bob Carr, a friend and property owner here in Olvera and a regular visitor is embarking on a similar quest, raising funds for Cancer Research UK and the spanish equivalent here in Spain, CNIO (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas).

On May 7th 2011, Bob will leave Santander in northern Spain on an equally epic journey that will end in Algeciras southern Spain, after walking 1300kms (800 miles) over a period of 12 weeks.

Needless to say, we are happy to help in a small way by publicising this fantastic effort and you too can help by donating as much or as little as you can afford to the Cancer Research UK JustGiving site here.

Unfortunately at present, the CNIO doesn't have the same facility as Cancer Research UK in enabling people to donate online but it is anticipated that an account will shortly be opened at the La Caixa bank in their name, where all contributions will be gratefully received. Details of this account will follow soon. (The La Caixa account in the name of CNIO is now active and awaiting any contribution that you are able to make. Details are on Bob's website here)

Bob's website here provides much more detail about the walk, route and schedule. There are also details of an alternative dedicated bank account, where all donations received will go directly to the CNIO.

As the site name suggests, you are also invited to accompany Bob on any stage of his journey by completing the "Walk With Me" section. No doubt he'll be very glad of the company.

Anyway, if at all possible, please support Bob in his incredible endeavour by donating any amount, however small, to a very worthy cause. Thankyou.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

The views today

Well, the weather seems to be picking up a little, pleasant enough to sit for a while enjoying the sun in the plaza overlooking the playground and the Jardines de la Victoria.

Pruna castle in the middle distance and below looking up Calle Bellavista.

After a short time, we headed up to the Plaza de la Iglesia at the top of town.

Looking from the Plaza Torre del Pan towards Bar Valentinos on the left and the steps on the right that meander up to the Iglesia.

The views on the walk back home, constantly changing, always spectacular and never taken for granted.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Después de la fiesta.....

........and life gets back to normal after the Carnaval festivities of last week. The weather is still overcast with temperatures at about 12 degrees C but the forecast is set to improve towards the end of the week.

So, just a few random pictures on a walk out this afternoon, here looking up to the rear of the Iglesia at the top of town.
Here looking to the west.

Calle Hondon with bountiful orange trees below.

The Centre for Adult Education in the Plaza de la Concordia.

Photographs taken during Carnaval week were on display and available for sale.

We sat for a while under the bare grape vines which hopefully before too long will be sprouting new leaves and fruit.

The steps that lead down to Calle Mercado, scene of the usual Saturday market.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Gran Pasacalles de Carnaval

The Grand Carnaval Parade. And on a damp, overcast though thankfully rain free afternoon, all the participants in the Carnaval gathered in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento for the final parade of Carnaval week.

And what a fantastic display of costumes there were. So best just to let you enjoy the pictures but hopefully the video at the bottom of this post will also convey the fun that was had.

Members of the group "Hojalatasamba" whose samba music and rhythms really contributed to the atmosphere.

"No, I'm very sorry. On my planet they didn't teach us Andaluz. Do you speak Martian by any chance??"

As always, an incredible effort by all concerned in creating so much fun for those of us watching the event.

Our near neighbour Monica and daughter Lara looking terrific.