October 6th, 13th and 20th at 17.00hrs in the Adult Education Centre. Creative Writing Workshops.
October 6th at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A children's film "Animal".

October 8th at 20.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. An evening of poems by José Roman Toledo of Olvera with music by José Moncayo, a singer of flamenco from Arriate.
October 13th at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A children's film "The Brave Despereaux".
October 19th at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A Spanish/Argentinian adult film "The Widows of Thursday" directed by Marcelo Piñeyro.
October 20th at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A children's film "Ice Age 3".
October 21st at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. MDM theatre presents "Fun in the summer.
October 26th at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. An adult film "Mammoth" directed by Lukas Moodysson.
October 27th at 18.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A children's film "Monsters vs. Aliens".
October 28th at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. YMEDIO theatre presents "The Legend of Master Peter".
2nd November at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura, A Chilean adult film "The Nanny" directed by Sebastián Silva.
4th November at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. Al Jaleo theatre presents "La muerta y la doncella" (The dead and the maiden).
8th November at 16.30hrs at the CIS Gloria Fuertes. A reading event involving the parents of 3-5 year olds.
9th November at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. An Argentinian adult film "Two brothers" directed by Daniel Burman.
16th November at 21.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A French adult film "Villa Amalia" directed by Benoit Jacquot.
28th November at 12.00hrs in the Casa de la Cultura. A puppet theatre presentation of "Rapunzel and the Emperor's suit".
As always, no doubt a little has been lost in translation so please check here to confirm the accuracy of events.