
Monday, 30 June 2008

Viva España

Well done Spain - deserved winners of the Euro 2008 football tournament beating Germany 1-0........and what a night of celebration !!.

Prior to the game, many houses around the village were proudly displaying the Spanish flag.
No doubt where my loyalties lie. We had decided to watch the game at our favourite chicken restaurant, arriving at about 8.15 to ensure a good spot in front of the TV.

After a good meal, a fair few beers and a great game, the moment of victory came.
We left the restaurant shortly after the finish of the game and wandered home via the Plaza de la Concordia, which was starting to fill with people out to celebrate the win.
Car horns were blaring, music playing flags being waved and firecrackers going off everywhere.

These guys had somehow put firecrackers down the exhausts of their quad bikes, resulting in a dense cloud of smoke enveloping the plaza.
Apologies for the quality of some of these pictures....still trying to master the moving image and night technique's.

A mist descends over the plaza after the quad bike display.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Bar Pepe Rayas

After dining out at the Restaurante Al Lago in Zahara, we arrived back in Olvera about 10.30 so we stopped off at Pepe Rayas for a nightcap.
Just a few pics of the bar and the castle and church, lit up as they normally are at weekends.

Restaurante Al Lago

Tonight, we took took a thirty minute drive to the small village of Zahara de la Sierra, with the intention of dining out at a restaurant recommended age's ago by our friends Dave and Heather, who sadly now have returned to the UK.
This is Zahara pictured from the road across the dam.

The impressive castle pictured from the Mirador (viewpoint) on the edge of the village.

We arrived at the restaurant at about 8.15 and not surprisingly were the first customers. It is not usual to eat out until at least 10 or 10.30, a habit we are finding difficult to get into. However, within an hour of our arrival, all the outside tables were taken, mainly by non Spanish nationals.
From the menu, it was clear why. On Friday and Saturday nights only, Indian cuisine is on the menu which is what Dave and Heather had recommended.

All the outside tables had a view across the lake so we sat down, had a drink and ordered our food. Mine a prawn and octopus curry and for Anne a chicken curry and we have to say it was absolutely delicious. The desserts were also outstanding.
Most definately a restaurant worthy of another visit, not only for the food but also for the staff, who were friendly and attentive.

The view across the lake from the Mirador.

Thanks, Dave and Heather. If you read this as I know you both did occasionally, we send you our best wishes. Our thoughts are with you and we hope all is well with you both. Drop us a line when you can.
More information on the restaurant can be found in the following link:
Linked posts:
Zahara de la Sierra

Pruna spring

Now that our Spanish lessons have come to an end our Friday mornings are free, so we took the short journey to have a wander around Pruna market (see linked posts below).
We always carry our empty water bottles in the boot of the car just in case we pass a spring anywhere.

The spring at Pruna lies just outside the village heading towards Olvera, at the entrance to the pathway that winds its way up to the medieval watchtower fort.....a challenge I think we'll take another day!!.

This tiled plaque by the spring tells the history of the fort.

Linked posts:
Pruna market
Ermita de Navazo

Wednesday, 25 June 2008


It seems ages since we last had a drive out, so today we took a drive to the old Moorish village of Benaoján, in the Serrania de Ronda, about 40 kms south of Olvera.
We headed towards Ronda on the main A374 before turning off and taking a very scenic drive, passing through Montajaque before arriving at Benaoján.

Looking toward's Benaoján from the main road.

We parked the car in the newer part of the village and started on the gentle stroll uphill towards the centre of the old part.

This pretty fountain was just up from where we parked the car.

This lovely display of bougainvillea took our eye and was an early indication of the floral decoration's that would be on show throughout the village.

A pleasant water feature halfway up the street.

We eventually arrived at the Plaza containing the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall) and the Parish Church of Our Lady of Rosario.

Proceeding on, we continued to explore the narrow streets, taking delight in the floral display's that were evident on many of the house's

The heat was taking it's toll so we stopped of for a couple of cold, refreshing drink's at the Bar El Tajillo.

We found Benaoján to be a lovely, clean, quiet village. Not too steep, with many little side streets and alleyways, definately worth visiting and exploring.

More information about Benaoján can be found in the following link:

Monday, 23 June 2008

Pollos asados

Roast chicken........yummy. We had been waiting since last October to re-visit the best chicken restaurant in town and last night was it.
For several reasons, our return had been delayed but at last we arrived in anticipation of a mouth watering delight of sumptuous, spicy, succulent "pollo".

We sat down and were quickly attended to by Lorena who took our order for drinks and food.

This is Celia, the daughter of our neighbours Eduardo and Rosalia, who were also at the restaurant last night.
Sorry, no pics of the "pollo", as it didn't last too long on the plate. Suffice to say it was delicious and a return visit will be made in the next few weeks.
Oh, and well done España, into the semi finals of Euro 2008, after defeating Italy. I think they might even make it to the final.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

School's out......

We had been invited by friend and neighbour Maricarmen to attend the end of term fiesta at her son Paco's school.
So yesterday, on a lovely warm evening, we found a spot in a packed school playground to watch the pageant.

The show started at about nine with each year in turn, starting with the three year olds, performing a different part of the show.

A thoroughly enjoyable evening and a tremendous effort by all concerned.

The fiesta ended at around 10.30 but that wasn't the end of the evening of course. Along with several of Maricarmen's family we went to a bar for drinks and tapas before finishing up at the "La Dolce Vita" into the wee small hours.

Linked posts:
Encuentro de las Culturas