We left the house about 5.30pm and headed for a small village called La Muela, about 18kms or 20 minutes from Olvera.
We had heard that there was going to be a medieval fair on, so of course there was no stopping Anne at the thought of spending a few dinero's on arts and crafts.
However, when we arrived, we found that the fair was in fact a re-enactment by the villagers of the birth of Jesus called "Belen Viviente" or "Living Bethlehem", each stall recreating a scene of the Nativity. Above, the manger where Jesus was born.
Chanting and clapping singers.
It was really nice to see the effort that the villagers had put into it..........it was a real community event. There were lots of different foods and drinks on offer............pastries, doughnuts, pancakes, sherry........all free and freshly made on the stalls.

The tree's throughout the village were decorated with hanging presents.......although I think this was more part of the Christmas decorations than for the Nativity.
Cooking the dinner right and fishing in the stream below.....there were real fish attached to the rods.

All in all, a really lovely evening out and nice to see that people can still give so much joy and pleasure to other's, not expecting anything in return apart from asking you just to enjoy their village and the atmosphere that they had created.